.NET Composite Formatting with Keyword Expansion

Anton Tayanovskyy

Anton Tayanovskyy

Dec 02, 2009

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2 mins

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Composite Formatting is a feature of .NET framework that comes handy even for F# programmers. Yes, Printf-style formatting generally is much nicer with F#, but there are situations where the format string is not available statically. It can, for instance, be coming from a configuration file.

One common issue with Composite Formatting is that it is not immediately obvious how to expand named arguments. Fortunately, all the pieces of the puzzle are there.

Just a little bit of F#:

module Format =
    open System
    open System.Collections.Generic

    let private Split (s: string) =
        match s.IndexOf '|' with
        | -1 -> (s, "")
        | n  -> (s.Substring(0, n), s.Substring(n + 1))

    type Table<'T>(dict: IDictionary<string, 'T>) =
        new (pairs: seq<string * 'T>) = 
            new Table<'T>(Map.ofSeq pairs)

        interface IFormattable with
            member this.ToString(format, _) =
                let (key, def) = Split format
                if dict.ContainsKey key then

Now we can use string keys (and default values) to expand on keywords within the format strings. This is handy:

let fmt = "{0:schema|http}://{0:domain}{0:path}"
System.String.Format(fmt, Format.Table ["domain", "example.com"])
System.String.Format(fmt, Format.Table ["domain", "example.com"; "path", "/products"])
System.String.Format(fmt, Format.Table ["schema", "https"; "domain", "example.com"])

You can also pass Dictionary and Map objects to the Format.Table constructor.

Even better, Composite Formatting is available not only in String.Format but also in other places such as TextWriters.

As a functional programmer working with F#, I keep discovering basic .NET framework features. Even though this use of Composite Formatting must be trivial, I hope some of you will find it useful.

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