This little post documents one of my little experiments with F#, as I am educating myself on the .NET Framework fundamentals.
The interesting issue is the execution speed of late vs early-bound code. Open the F# interactive and try this out.
/// A dummy type.
type T =
/// This is the method we want to call.
static member F x = x + 1
Turn on timing in the Interactive:
First, let as assume we know the type and the method signature at compile time. This is early, static binding, and the result is fast:
for i = 0 to 1000000 do
T.F 1
|> ignore
Now suppose we do not know type T
at compile time, but rather have a System.Type
object to represent it.
We could then use reflection to invoke the method, as below, but it is slow, several orders of magnitude slower in fact.
let m = typeof<T>.GetMethod("F")
for i = 0 to 1000000 do
m.Invoke(null, [| box 1 |])
|> ignore
If we do not know the type T, but do know the method signature, we can do a lot better using delegates. This is fast:
type F = delegate of int -> int
let f = System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof<F>, typeof<T>, "F") :?> F
for i = 0 to 1000000 do
f.Invoke 1
|> ignore
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