DHTMLX Touch for WebSharper available

Loic Denuziere

Loic Denuziere

Apr 12, 2011

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4 mins

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Today we are happy to announce the release of a new extension for WebSharper: DHTMLX Touch.

"DHTMLX Touch is an HTML5-based JavaScript library for building mobile web applications. It’s not just a set of UI widgets, but a complete framework that allows you to create eye-catching, cross-platform web applications for mobile and touch-screen devices."

DHTMLX Touch is typically used as a full-page framework. It provides a lot of tools to ease the interaction between the application data, the display elements and the user, resulting in web applications with an impressive native feel.

The following sample displays a bar chart of the provided data alongside a table. It shows different ways to connect UI elements with application data.

type SalesData = { sales : float
                   year : int }

let salesData = [| {sales = 9.5; year = 2006}
                   {sales = 8.6; year = 2007}
                   {sales = 6.7; year = 2008}
                   {sales = 4.9; year = 2009}
                   {sales = 6.2; year = 2010} |]

let SimplePage () = 
    Div []
    |>! OnAfterRender (fun _ ->
        let chart = Chart(Type = ChartType.Bar,
                          Value = "#sales#",
                          Label = "#year#",
                          Data = salesData)
        let yearField = GridField(Id = "Year", Template = fun data ->
            let data = As<SalesData> data
            let d = Div [Text (string data.year)]
        let figureField = GridField(Id = "Sales", Template = fun data ->
            let data = As<SalesData> data
            let d = Div [Text (string data.sales)]
        let grid = Grid(Fields = [|yearField; figureField|],
                        Data = salesData)
        let page = Layout(Cols = [|chart; grid|])

This more complete sample shows how to build a simple shopping cart using DHTMLX Touch. It demonstrates user interaction and interaction with application data; it is reimplemented from a sample by the DHTMLX authors. You can download the WebSharper extension for DHTMLX Touch at this address.

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