We are happy to announce the release of WebSharper.Suave, an adapter to run WebSharper applications on Suave.
With WebSharper.Suave, creating a Suave WebPart
from a WebSharper Sitelet
is as simple as a single function call.
module Main
open WebSharper
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Html
module Client =
open WebSharper.JavaScript
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Client
open WebSharper.Charting
let RadarChart () =
let labels =
[| "Eating"; "Drinking"; "Sleeping";
"Designing"; "Coding"; "Cycling"; "Running" |]
let data1 = [|28.0; 48.0; 40.0; 19.0; 96.0; 27.0; 100.0|]
let data2 = [|65.0; 59.0; 90.0; 81.0; 56.0; 55.0; 40.0|]
let ch =
Chart.Combine [
Chart.Radar(Seq.zip labels data1)
.WithFillColor(Color.Rgba(151, 187, 205, 0.2))
.WithStrokeColor(Color.Rgba(151, 187, 205, 1.))
.WithPointColor(Color.Rgba(151, 187, 205, 1.))
Chart.Radar(Seq.zip labels data2)
.WithFillColor(Color.Rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.2))
.WithStrokeColor(Color.Rgba(220, 220, 220, 1.))
.WithPointColor(Color.Rgba(220, 220, 220, 1.))
Renderers.ChartJs.Render(ch, Size = Size(400, 400))
open WebSharper.Sitelets
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Server
let MySite =
Application.SinglePage (fun ctx ->
Body = [
h1 [text "Charting on Suave is easy with WebSharper!"]
div [client <@ Client.RadarChart() @>]
open Suave.Web
open WebSharper.Suave
startWebServer defaultConfig (WebSharperAdapter.ToWebPart MySite)
This opens up awesome ways to combine Suave and WebSharper applications, and we are excited about the synergies this will bring to the F# web programming community.
Happy coding!
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