WebSharper 4.3 released with pure .NET Core support

Loic Denuziere

Loic Denuziere

Jun 27, 2018

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3 mins

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We are happy to announce the release of WebSharper 4.3.

The main highlight of this release is the dropped requirement of Mono during compilation on Linux and OSX. Both the F# and C# compilers are now compiled for .NET Core 2.0, in addition to the existing .NET Framework 4.6.1 versions, and therefore the .NET Core SDK is now the only requirement.

By default, compiling a .NET Framework project uses the .NET Framework version of the compiler, and compiling a .NET Core or .NET Standard project uses the .NET Core version of the compiler. To override this default, you can set the project property <WebSharperUseNetFxCompiler> to True (to use the .NET Framework compiler) or False (to use the .NET Core compiler).

Here is how to obtain WebSharper 4.3:

  • Install the templates for .NET Core SDK:

    dotnet new -i WebSharper.Templates::
  • Templates for Visual Studio 2017: Download here.

Here are the full release notes:

WebSharper Core


  • #941: Run the compiler on .NET Core.

  • #964: Add proxies for the new functions in F# 4.5:

    • Async.StartImmediateAsTask
    • Seq/List/Array.transpose
    • ValueOption type
    • Map.TryGetValue
    • FuncConvert.FromFunc/FromAction
  • #965: Add support for C# 7.3 language features:

    • ref local reassign
    • Expression variables in initializers
    • == and != for tuple types
  • #929: The WebSharper.Compiler NuGet package, which provides the WebSharper compiler as a library, has been split in order to better handle the specific F# and C# use cases.

    • WebSharper.Compiler.Common contains the common compiler libraries.
    • WebSharper.Compiler.FSharp and WebSharper.Compiler.CSharp contain the compilers for their respective languages. In addition to both depending on WebSharper.Compiler.Common, they also have properly versioned dependencies on the F# Compiler Service and Roslyn, respectively.
    • WebSharper.Compiler still exists, but it is now a meta-package with no content of its own but which depends on both WebSharper.Compiler.FSharp and WebSharper.Compiler.CSharp. If you were using WebSharper.Compiler to compile only one language, then you are encouraged to switch to the corresponding language-specific package.

    Note that although the core WebSharper libraries are compatible with F# 4.1, the compiler requires the latest FSharp.Core 4.5.

  • #938: Allow macros to resolve let-bound variables.

    In an expression like let y = x + 1 in macroedFunction y, this allows the macro to retrieve and manipulate the expression x + 1, rather than just seeing y.


  • #963 Add missing proxies for F# numeric conversion functions: int8, byte, int16, uint16, uint32, uint64, double.

  • #966: Support the Method sitelet endpoint attribute on a class.

  • #968: Task.Result throws if accessed before the task is completed.

  • #969: Include inherited C# auto-property backing field in remoting.

WebSharper UI


  • Enable the templating type provider to run on the new .NET Core-compiled WebSharper compiler.

  • #180: F# templating: it is now possible to use .V directly inside a string-typed hole or a ws-var hole.

    For example, given the following HTML template:

    <input ws-var="FirstName" />

    You can bind it using the following F# code:

    type Name = { First: string; Last: string }
    let myVar = Var.Create { First = "John"; Last = "Doe" }
    let myDoc =
            .FirstName(myVar.V.First) // .V lensing into a Var<string>
            .LastName(myVar.V.Last)   // .V mapping into a View<string>
            // In WebSharper 4.2, this would have been written as:
            // .FirstName(Lens(myVar.V.First))
            // .LastName(V(myVar.V.Last))

Happy coding!

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