WebSharper 4.5.2 released with new AspNetCore API

Loic Denuziere

Loic Denuziere

Sep 14, 2018

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5 mins

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This is a minor release for WebSharper. The main highlight of this release is the improved API for WebSharper.AspNetCore.

Install templates for .NET Core SDK: dotnet new -i WebSharper.Templates::

Download templates for Visual Studio 2017: http://websharper.com/installers/WebSharper.



  • #1020: Sitelets.HttpModule now throws an error if no Sitelet definition is found.
  • #1022: Update to FSharp.Compiler.Service 25.0.1


  • #1023: Fix HTML escaping in HtmlTextWriter. This affects functions such as text and attr.* in WebSharper.UI.


WebSharper.AspNetCore now has a more idiomatic API and makes it easier to add your code to the dependency injection graph.

Here is how a typical current application should be ported to the new API:

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddSitelet(Site.Main) // <-- The sitelet should now be registered here
                .AddCookie("WebSharper", options => { });

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
        if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); }

        // Not necessary anymore; WebSharper uses the host config's "websharper" section by default
        var config =
            new ConfigurationBuilder()

            // .UseWebSharper(env, Site.Main, config.GetSection("websharper"))
            .UseWebSharper() // <-- This is now sufficient
            .Run(context => {
                context.Response.StatusCode = 404;
                return context.Response.WriteAsync("Page not found");

The new API is as follows:

  • IApplicationBuilder.UseWebSharper(Action<WebSharperBuilder> builder = null)

    Adds WebSharper middleware to the application. Options can be passed using the builder action. For example:

    app.UseWebSharper(builder =>
  • IServiceCollection.AddSitelet<T>(Sitelet<T> sitelet)

    Defines the sitelet that will be served by WebSharper if WebSharperBuilder's UseSitelets is true (which is the default).

    Note that if UseSitelets is true but no AddSitelet is called, WebSharper will look in the application's assemblies for a static value marked with the [Website] attribute.

  • IServiceCollection.AddSitelet<T: ISiteletService>()

    Defines the sitelet that will be served by WebSharper if WebSharperBuilder's UseSitelets is true (which is the default).

    ISiteletService is a singleton dependency injection service. Here is an example showing how to implement such a service:

    public class MySiteletService : ISiteletService
        ILogger<MySiteletService> logger;
        Sitelet<object> sitelet;
        public MySite(ILogger<MySiteletService> logger)
            this.logger = logger;
            this.sitelet =
                new SiteletBuilder()
                    .With("/", ctx =>
                        logger.LogInformation("Serving home page");
                    	return Context.Text("Hello, world!");
        public Sitelet<object> Sitelet = sitelet;

    In F#, you should use the abstract class SiteletService<'T>, which implements ISiteletService and is parameterized by the endpoint type:

    type MyEndPoint =
        | [<EndPoint "/">] Home
    type MySiteletService(logger: ILogger<MySiteletService>) =
        inherit SiteletService<MyEndPoint>()
        let sitelet = Application.MultiPage (fun ctx endpoint ->
            match endpoint with
            | Home ->
                logger.LogInformation("Serving home page")
                Content.Text "Hello, world!"
        override this.Sitelet = sitelet;
  • IServiceCollection.AddWebSharperRemoting<THandler>()

    Registers a WebSharper remoting handler. This is equivalent to calling the following:

    WebSharper.Core.Remoting.AddHandler(typeof(THandler), new THandler());

    with the added benefit that THandler can depend on dependency injection services. Learn more about remoting handlers.

The old API is still available but marked as obsolete.



  • #192 Add the ability to instantiate a template from a string.

    You can now pass a string to the constructor of a template to override the contents of the template. For example:

    type MyTemplate = Template<"""<p>Hello, ${Text}!</p>"""
    // Returns <p>Hello, world!</p>
    let usual =
    // Returns <p>Howdy, world!</p>
    let overridden =
        MyTemplate("""<p>Howdy, ${Text}!</p>""")

    This feature is currently only available in F# on the server side.

Happy coding!

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