WebSharper 4.5.4 released

Loic Denuziere

Loic Denuziere

Oct 25, 2018

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We are happy to announce the release of WebSharper 4.5.4.

Download the project templates for .NET Core SDK: dotnet new -i WebSharper.Templates::

Or use the extension for Visual Studio 2017: http://websharper.com/installers/WebSharper.

CORS handling

The main highlight of this release is the new API to handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers in Sitelets. This allows you to manage what requests are allowed to be performed by a browser from a different domain.

This API is fully integrated with inferred sitelets. It automatically handles preflight OPTIONS requests, and adds the necessary headers to the main response.

For example, here is a JSON API as you would typically define it:

/// The endpoint type for our full website.
type EndPoint =
    | [<EndPoint "GET /">] Home
    | [<EndPoint "/api">] Api of ApiEndPoint

/// The endpoint type for our API subsite.
and ApiEndPoint =
    | [<EndPoint "GET /users">] GetUsers
    | [<EndPoint "GET /users">] GetUser of id: int
    | [<EndPoint "POST /users"; Json "data">] PostUser of data: UserData
    | [<EndPoint "DELETE /users">] DeleteUser of id: int

and UserData = // ...

/// Handle API requests.
let HandleApi (ctx: Context<EndPoint>) (endpoint: ApiEndPoint) =
    match endpoint with
    | GetUsers -> Content.Json "retrieve and return the list of users..."
    | GetUser id -> Content.Json "retrieve and return the user..."
    | PostUser data -> Content.Json "store the user..."
    | DeleteUser id -> Content.Json "delete the user..."

/// Handle all requests, including the main site and the API subsite.
let Website = Application.MultiPage(fun (ctx: Context<EndPoint>) (endpoint: EndPoint) ->
    match endpoint with
    | Home -> Content.Text "Home page..."
    | Api endpoint -> HandleApi ctx endpoint

This website handles requests such as GET /api/users or DELETE /api/users/123.

Adding CORS support is done in two steps:

  1. Wrap the affected endpoint type in Cors<_>:

    type EndPoint =
        | [<EndPoint "GET /">] Home
        | [<EndPoint "/api">] Api of Cors<ApiEndPoint> // <- ApiEndPoint needs CORS handling
  2. Use Content.Cors to indicate the CORS headers to serve:

    let Website = Application.MultiPage(fun ctx endpoint ->
        match endpoint with
        | Home -> Content.Text "Home page..."
        | Api endpoint ->
            Content.Cors endpoint
                (fun corsAllows ->
                    // Add the headers you need here:
                    { corsAllows with
                        // Allow requests from these origins:
                        Origins = ["http://example.com"; "https://example.com"]
                        // Allow these requests to send user credentials (including cookies):
                        Credentials = true
                        // Enforce a new preflight request after 24 hours:
                        MaxAge = Some 86400 })
                (HandleApi ctx)

And that's it! Note that we didn't need to specify the Methods to allow, because WebSharper is able to infer which methods need to be allowed based on the endpoint type definition. In this case, the inferred header value is GET, POST, DELETE.

Now, here is the full changelog for this release:


Breaking changes

  • #1028 Simplified and unified class names in WebSharper.JavaScript.Dom, stripping DOM prefix where there was one.


  • #999: Added Content.Cors, a helper for checking for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers.
  • #1025 Added Router.FetchWithand Router.AjaxWith that are taking a RequestOptions to customize the request sent to an automatically routed WebSharper endpoint.


  • #1019 Show a compile-time warning when an Inline or Direct contains a $variable that doesn't correspond to an argument. Additionally, added a property UseDollarVariables : string on both InlineAttribute and DirectAttribute to indicate that a given $variable is not an argument typo and should not cause a warning.

    For example, the following warns that $unexpected doesn't correspond to an argument, but doesn't warn about $expected1 and $expected2:

    [<Inline("$this.myMethod($theArg, $unexpected, $expected1, $expected2)",
             UseDollarVariables = "$expected1, $expected2")>]
    member this.MyMethod(theArg: int) = X<unit>
  • #1021 Fixed parsing FormData when using Router.Infer.

  • #1027 Added classList on Dom.Element.

  • #1030 Use invariant number format for floats in routing. Fixes failing to parse decimal point character in URLs created on the client when the server system settings use another character instead of point.

  • #1031 Handle NoWarn+TreatWarningsAsErrors well for F# compilation.

  • #1032 Fix skipping pre-translating some server-side quoted event handlers. In particular, this caused issues in server-side WebSharper.UI templates where one could not use both ws-onxxx and .OnYyy() with the same template.

  • #1033 Fix inconsistent behavior of HtmlTextWriter between netfx and netstandard. Attributes written using HtmlTextWriter.WriteAttribute, which includes WebSharper.UI attributes, are now always automatically escaped.



  • #182 Eliminate the last uses of jQuery: parseHTML in templating and Doc.Verbatim, and on in Input.Keyboard.
  • #189 C# templating: correctly pass along custom ClientLoad and ServerLoad from template comments and use ClientLoad = Inline as default.
  • #190 C# templating: fix generated code for <input type="number">
  • #195: Add V-enabled Attr.Prop overload.


  • #190 C# templating: generate full namespace for CheckedInput.
  • #194: Ensure Router.Install and Router.InstallInto initialize their state from the current URL.
  • #198 Ensure Elt.OnAfterRender() depends on OnAfterRenderControl for the Sitelet runtime to include the correct .js link needed.
  • #199 Don't double-encode generated event attributes, causing server-defined event handlers to fail on .NET core.

Happy coding!

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Loic Denuziere
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