We are happy to announce the availability of WebSharper 0.4.62 - the latest version of the WebSharper Platform that aims to equip professional F# developers with the right platform to rapidly develop rich, scalable, client-based web applications. This is the first release candidate of WebSharper Platform 2010 - our commercial offering for client-based reactive web development with F#. In this release there are a number of new features, including:
Go and grab your copy at our download page, or check out the demos we have online (and don't forget to use the drop-down on the right to see all demos). More demos, tutorials, and some long-awaited screencasts will be coming shortly. One last bit: you may get exceptions in Visual Studio debug mode (which is misleading, as most of your WebSharper code will be executing in the client browser) from WebSharper code that performs HTML construction - you can safely ignore these as the WebSharper ASP.NET integration layer will take care of them. We are working on removing this annoyance in the next release candidate.
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20221229 · 30 min read