The recent WebSharper 3 release also saw a number of enhancements to the WebSharper website, including a major reorganization to its content. In this post, I will summarize these, in particular:
Developer pages have moved under For Developers, whose main page now points to the core documentation, along with a brief description of the product stack. These pages also got a submenu where you can navigate, among others, to:
Tutorials - that highlight various technical topics for WebSharper developers.
Videos - a list of getting started/tutorial videos (not yet available) and a selected list of recorded conference talks (more to follow).
Extensions - start here to learn about available extensions and how to work with JavaScript libraries.
Insider Program and Support are in the Premium section, along with other services (more on these in a subsequent blog).
Companies and individuals with support plans can submit tickets here, and view their available subscriptions. Be sure to use your subscriber login and not your regular user account (and see below about accounts) when accessing these pages. You can be logged in with both at any time, if you need to, as well.
The Forums got a bit of a facelift, and filtering (All/Forum/Core/Extension) to select between all entries including GitHub tickets, forum content only, WebSharper GitHub tickets, and GitHub tickets from the public extensions (including UI.Next - however, not all are fed into the forums yet).
Ordinary user accounts are primarily for posting in the Forums, and you can now use a number of new login providers (GitHub and Facebook, in addition to those before) to register and/or log in:
We continue to add new login providers, our next target is Azure logins.
Subscriber logins are created when you subscribe to the WebSharper Insider Program or to any dedicated support plan.
Happy coding!
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20221229 · 30 min read