Deploying WebSharper apps to Azure via GitHub

Adam Granicz

Adam Granicz

May 15, 2015

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8 mins

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More and more .NET developers come to appreciate functional programming, and this is really good news for F#. A couple weeks ago Scott Hanselman ran a short article on running apps as Azure web apps deployed via GitHub. His setup was the following:

  1. You configure your Azure web app to be sourced from a GitHub repository. This sets up a GitHub hook that notifies Azure on every commit.
  2. Your app consists of an F# script (site\webserver.fsx) inside an empty ASP.NET project with a web.config.
  3. On a commit, Azure executes a deployment script (deploy.cmd via .deployment) found in your project.
  4. This script uses Paket to restore FAKE and Suave, and uses FAKE to execute an F# script (build.fsx) by passing it to fsi.exe shipped with FAKE.
  5. This FAKE script can optionally execute various build tasks, if necessary, to build a site - in Scott's example it was just used as a placeholder script.
  6. Finally, the web app is copied to the right folder in your Azure web app.
  7. When starting, the app executes a "setup" step, configured as an <httpPlatform> directive. This in turn uses FAKE to execute site\webserver.fsx, which starts and listens on a given port that is then mapped to the standard HTTP port.

This sequence is more complicated than it needs to be because it has to work around the lack of the F# tools and core libraries when setting up a new Azure web app deployment. Since Scott's article, I filed a ticket to bundle the F# compiler and tools in a Nuget, and thanks to Don Syme and Steffen Forkmann, that Nuget was out within a couple days.

Armed with that, we quickly put together a similar deployment setup for WebSharper client-server apps (other types of WebSharper apps are equally possible.) This has the obvious advantage that:

  • It uses WebSharper, so you can add client-side (e.g. JavaScript) functionality as well and write it in F#.
  • It produces an ASP.NET app that serves fine in Azure without the need to run a separate server process like (although you can also create OWIN-based self-hosted WebSharper applications and run them as in Scott's scenario.)
  • It no longer needs FAKE to compile F# apps or run F# scripts.

Loic blogged the technical details in his WebSharper: From Zero to an Azure-deployed Web Application article, using a WebSharper implementation/clone of the "2048" game. I also put together a simpler template that you can use for client-server applications, and it's available in...

this GitHub repository

The template uses Paket instead of Nuget, and you can build your project with build.cmd (you will need curl installed and on your path). Run build.cmd before opening in Visual Studio as well.

You can also get started quickly by clicking here:

Deploy to Azure

There is a single main.fs file, and it contains both the server and the client functionality:

namespace MyApplication

open WebSharper
open WebSharper.Sitelets

type Action =
    | [<CompiledName "">] Home
    | [<CompiledName "about">] About

module Server =
    let DoSomething input =
        let R (s: string) = System.String(List.ofSeq s |> List.rev |> Array.ofList)
        async {
            return R input

module Client =
    open WebSharper.Html.Client

    let Main () =
        let input = Input [Attr.Value ""]
        let output = H1 []
        Div [
            Button [Text "Send"]
            |>! OnClick (fun _ _ ->
                async {
                    let! data = Server.DoSomething input.Value
                    output.Text <- data
                |> Async.Start
            HR []
            H4 [Class "text-muted"] -- Text "The server responded:"
            Div [Class "jumbotron"] -< [output]

open WebSharper.Html.Server

module Skin =
    open System.Web

    type Page =
            Title : string
            Menubar : Element list
            Body : Element list

    let MainTemplate =
            .With("title", fun x -> x.Title)
            .With("menubar", fun x -> x.Menubar)
            .With("body", fun x -> x.Body)

    let Menubar (ctx: Context<Action>) action =
        let ( => ) text act =
            LI [if action = act then yield Class "active"] -< [
                A [HRef (ctx.Link act)] -< [Text text]
            LI ["Home" => Action.Home]
            LI ["About" => Action.About]

    let WithTemplate action title body : Content<Action> =
        Content.WithTemplate MainTemplate <| fun ctx ->
                Title = title
                Menubar = Menubar ctx action
                Body = body ctx

module Site =
    module Pages =
        let Home =
            Skin.WithTemplate Action.Home "Home" <| fun ctx ->
                    H1 [Text "Say Hi to Azure"]
                    Div [ClientSide <@ Client.Main() @>]

        let About =
            Skin.WithTemplate Action.About "About" <| fun ctx ->
                    H1 [Text "About"]
                    P [Text "This is a template WebSharper client-server application
                             that you can easily deploy to Azure from source control."]

    let Main =
        Sitelet.Infer (function
            | Action.Home -> Pages.Home
            | Action.About -> Pages.About

type Website() =
    interface IWebsite<Action> with
        member this.Sitelet = Site.Main
        member this.Actions = [Action.Home; Action.About]

[<assembly: Website(typeof<Website>)>]
do ()

This uses basic WebSharper templating and a master main.html template and implements a two page sitelet application:

You can run it directly here.

Happy coding!

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Adam Granicz
Adam Granicz


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Adam Granicz
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