The recent release of WebSharper 3.4 also brought an update to most of the project templates shipped for Visual Studio, MonoDevelop, and Xamarin Studio.
As a quick glance, here is the template client-server (both UI.Next and the older Html type) application, with two simple pages (Home and About), demonstrating how to use master templates and how to make client-server calls.
While the templates organize client and server aspects into separate files (Client.fs
, Remoting.fs
, Main.fs
), here is all the code you need in a single file for the above application (the master template Main.html
is not listed here):
namespace MyApplication
open WebSharper
open WebSharper.Sitelets
open WebSharper.UI.Next
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Server
type EndPoint =
| [<EndPoint "/">] Home
| [<EndPoint "/about">] About
module Server =
let DoSomething input =
let R (s: string) = System.String(Array.rev(s.ToCharArray()))
async {
return R input
module Client =
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Client
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Html
let Start input k =
async {
let! data = Server.DoSomething input
return k data
|> Async.Start
let Main () =
let input = inputAttr [attr.value ""] []
let output = h1 []
div [
buttonAttr [ (fun _ _ ->
async {
let! data = Server.DoSomething input.Value
output.Text <- data
|> Async.Start
] [text "Send"]
hr []
h4Attr [attr.``class`` "text-muted"] [text "The server responded:"]
divAttr [attr.``class`` "jumbotron"] [output]
module Templating =
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Html
type MainTemplate = Templating.Template<"Main.html">
// Compute a menubar where the menu item for the given endpoint is active
let MenuBar (ctx: Context<EndPoint>) endpoint : Doc list =
let ( => ) txt act =
liAttr [if endpoint = act then yield attr.``class`` "active"] [
aAttr [attr.href (ctx.Link act)] [text txt]
li ["Home" => EndPoint.Home]
li ["About" => EndPoint.About]
let Main ctx action title body =
title = title,
menubar = MenuBar ctx action,
body = body
module Site =
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Html
let HomePage ctx =
Templating.Main ctx EndPoint.Home "Home" [
h1 [text "Say Hi to the server!"]
div [client <@ Client.Main() @>]
let AboutPage ctx =
Templating.Main ctx EndPoint.About "About" [
h1 [text "About"]
p [text "This is a template WebSharper client-server application."]
let Main =
Application.MultiPage (fun ctx endpoint ->
match endpoint with
| EndPoint.Home -> HomePage ctx
| EndPoint.About -> AboutPage ctx
We are planning to introduce additional tools to create WebSharper projects via these standard and other templates without needing the corresponding Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio plugins/extensions installed. This will make it super-easy to create WebSharper projects from within any context, IDE, or OS. Keep an eye on this blog for upcoming announcements.
Happy coding!
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20221229 · 30 min read