WebSharper 4.2.4 released

Andras Janko

Andras Janko

Mar 12, 2018

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2 mins

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WebSharper 4.2.4 is now available on NuGet, and as a vsix installer on the WebSharper website.

It contains new client-side support for F# query computation expressions and fixes to C# analyzer, using templates in Visual Studio 2017.6, and cleaned builds when targeting .NET 4.6.1+.

Documentation: WebSharper 4.x for C# and WebSharper 4.x for F#.

The release notes are also found on GitHub.


  • You can now use query expressions in client-side F# code.
    let countOddAndEven numbers =
        query {
            for x in numbers do
            groupBy (x % 2) into g
            select (g.Key, g.Count())


  • Libraries created with Interface Generator targeting .NET 4.x are no longer referencing netstandard.dll.

  • A full stack of WebSharper extensions has been released with this fix, so any latest WebSharper binaries targeting .NET 4.6.1 are no longer depending on anything targeting .NET Standard.

  • Fixed C# analyzers for WebSharper errors and UI template code generation running immediately on template changes in Visual Studio 2017 (Update 5 or 6 needed).

    Roslyn Analyzer in Visual Studio

  • F# templates for Visual Studio now use FSharp.Core from NuGet, and runs out of the box for Visual Studio 2017 Update 6.

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