In my previous post I show how to create custom formlets using Formlet.BuildFormlet
. Continuing on the same theme, here is an example of how to create a custom formlet combinator for capturing the common AJAX pattern of submitting data to the server and displaying a loading icon while awaiting the result. The scenario to be addressed is:
Prefarably the interface should be non-blocking. This is acchieved by making RPC server side function return async
Since the server call can be represented as an arbitrary asynchronous computiation, we can simply define a combinator that lifts an asyncrounous value into a formlet, displaying a loading panel until the computation is done:
let LoadingFormlet (a:Async<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
let loadingPane =
Formlet.BuildFormlet <| fun _ ->
let elem = Div [Attr.Class "loadingPane"]
let state = new Event<_>()
async {
let! value = a
do state.Trigger (Result.Success value)
return ()
|> Async.Start
elem, ignore, state.Publish
Formlet.Replace loadingPane ( fun value ->
Formlet.Empty ()
|> Formlet.InitWith value
The loadingPane
formlet is constructed as an custom formlet, using Formlet.BuildFormlet
. The body part is a div
element with a special class attribute to allow styling of the panel. The state is an event that is triggered as soon as the async
computation produces a value.
The function Formlet.Replace
is used to create a formlet that replaces the loading panel with an empty formlet once the value is triggered.
Using the combinator is straightforward. Here is an example:
let MyForm =
Formlet.Do {
// Get the value of the form
let! message =
Controls.TextArea ""
|> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Message"
|> Enhance.WithLabelAbove
|> Enhance.WithSubmitButton
// Call the server
let! res = LoadingFormlet (Post message)
// Display the server result
Formlet.OfElement (fun _ ->
Div [Attr.Class "info"] -< [Text res]
|> Enhance.WithFormContainer
And the resulting form:
Review note
This resource needs to be re-added.
After submitting the form the loading panel is displayed:
Review note
This resource needs to be re-added.
When the server returned:
Review note
This resource needs to be re-added.
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