It's hard to believe we are getting this close to the end of the year, but it means that one of my favourite sporting event of the year is getting closer: the PDC World Darts Championship (to be more precise, it's starting today!). Darts is probably one of the most followed sport in recent years for me and it's not a secret that at some point in my life, I would to attend this event live, as the atmosphere that crowd creates gives me goosebumps even through the TV broadcasting.
One of the first projects that I have ever created was a browser based Darts calculator. It was printing out all the possible combinations you can do for a given number with 3 dart throws into a div. Nostalgia hit me and decided to take a look back at that project, just to find how bad of an implementation that was.
You can find the project on GitHub and a live demo here.
Well, it was quite an ineffective implementation. It generated all possible combinations a player could achieve with 3 darts at most and then filtered out those combinations that did not reach the sum. Also, other than the number input from the user, there was not much to interact with as the results were displayed as plain text. It was not even able to filter out the non-checkout combinations. Now with a few years of experience I feel like I can create a better one and why would I not share it with the community?
The user should be able to provide the number they want to reach with a maximum of 3 throws and if they are going for a checkout. If they are going for a checkout, that means we should not return any combination, that would not end with hit on the double ring of the board.
To represent a single dart throw I used the following type:
type Dart =
| Triple of int
| Double of int
| Single of int
| Nil
The interesting bit here is including Nil as part of my representation, but more on that later when we get to the generator logic.
I also provided some helper functions to pretty print a dart throw (i.e., a triple 20 is being shown as T20, doubles are shown as D20 and so on), to get the scoring value of a dart throw etc.
Now on to generating all the results. To make my life easier, I have created a Map
, that stores all possible values that you can score with a single dart. So, an example key-value pair of this map would be (12, [Triple 4; Double 6; Single 12])
, as all values in the list have a scoring value of 12.
Then once we have this Map (named scoringValues
), calculating out all possible combinations becomes quite a bit easier, as instead of having three different entries for the value of 12, I can just work with a single value here and at the end we can do the 1-X mapping.
Now with that in place, let's look at the function:
let getCombinationsFor (numberToReach: int) (isItCheckout: bool) =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.choose (fun key ->
if key = 0 && numberToReach <> 0 then
else if numberToReach - key < 0 then
if isItCheckout && numberToReach - key = 0 && key % 2 = 0 then
Some (key, numberToReach - key)
else if isItCheckout && numberToReach - key = 0 then
Some (key, numberToReach - key)
|> List.collect (fun (v1, remainder) ->
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.choose (fun key ->
if key = 0 && remainder <> 0 then
else if remainder - key < 0 then
if remainder - key = 0 && isItCheckout && key % 2 = 0 then
Some (v1, key, remainder - key)
else if remainder - key = 0 && isItCheckout then
if scoringValues.ContainsKey (remainder - key) && (not isItCheckout || (remainder - key) % 2 = 0) then
Some (v1, key, remainder - key)
|> List.collect (fun (d1, d2, d3) ->
let getFilteredByCheckout (items: Dart list) =
if isItCheckout then
items |> List.filter Dart.IsCheckout
match scoringValues.TryGetValue(d1), scoringValues.TryGetValue(d2), scoringValues.TryGetValue(d3) with
| (true, items1), (true, [Nil]), (true, [Nil]) ->
getFilteredByCheckout items1 |> (fun x -> Some (x, Nil, Nil))
| (true, items1), (true, items2), (true, [Nil]) ->
items1 |> List.collect (fun x -> getFilteredByCheckout items2 |> (fun y -> Some (x, y, Nil)))
| (true, items1), (true, items2), (true, items3) ->
items1 |> List.collect (fun x -> items2 |> List.collect (fun y -> getFilteredByCheckout items3 |> (fun z -> Some (x, y, z))))
| _ -> []
|> List.sortBy (fun (Some (a, b, _)) -> a, b)
To dissect this function let's go step-by-step:
The first List.choose
gets us the value of the first dart throw. If our desired value is the same as the first dart throw value and we require a checkout, we are also checking if we are even or not. If we are odd, we don't care about this result, as it is not possible to achieve a checkout on an odd number with a single throw.
The first List.collect
is getting us the second and third throws. This is where having Nil as part of the type representation comes handy, as with this we are not dealing with variability of needing 1, 2 or 3 dart throws to achieve the score. At this level we are handling everything as a combination of three throws and the display layer will handle showing what is an actual throw or not.
The last List.collect
is doing the logic of the previously mentioned 1-X mapping logic, where if we have the value of 12 and let's say we did not require checkout, we should end up with T4
, D6
and 12
as all possible combinations.
In my original implementation, this was probably the worst part, as the user was only presented with a wall-of-text of all possible combinations. So let's see what we can do to make this a bit more interactive. I'm going to use WebSharper.UI's reactive layer in combination with the standard Canvas from JS
First thing is I would like to introduce a darts board that is rendered via the browser with the help of the canvas element.
Drawing a darts board with canvas is relatively simple, as we can boil it down to 3 different problems:
Drawing circles is straightforward with canvas. You only need to provide the center point, the radius of the circle and range of angles (in radian) you want to render. As we want to draw a full circle here, we would use 0 to 2 * π
let renderCircle (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) radius color =
ctx.Arc(WIDTH/2., HEIGHT/2., radius, 0, 2. * Math.PI, false)
ctx.LineWidth <- 1.
ctx.StrokeStyle <- color
ctx.FillStyle <- color
Based on the above, drawing a sector is also simple, as we can just provide an angle range that we want to get rendered. But one thing to note is that the 0 angle is on the X axis. We also know that each sector is 18° (20 numbers spread across a full circle).
let renderSectorPart (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) radius color (nth: int) =
let beginDeg = (-99 + nth * 18) // We are starting to render from the value of 20 clockwise
let beginRad = convertToRadian beginDeg
let endRad = convertToRadian (beginDeg + 18)
ctx.MoveTo(WIDTH/2., HEIGHT/2.)
ctx.Arc(WIDTH/2., HEIGHT/2., radius, beginRad, endRad, false)
ctx.LineWidth <- 1.
ctx.StrokeStyle <- color
ctx.LineTo(WIDTH/2., HEIGHT/2.)
ctx.FillStyle <- color
This is probably the most complicated part of the canvas rendering, as it involves rendering text + rotating the text, but we can achieve a ring of text rendering with some knowledge we have from the circle rendering above. The trickiest part is probably the rotation of the bottom half of the labels to face the correct way, but the function below should do the trick:
let renderLabel (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) (num: int) (nth: int) =
ctx.StrokeStyle <- "white"
ctx.FillStyle <- "white"
ctx.Font <- "30px Arial"
ctx.TextAlign <- CanvasTextAlign.Center
ctx.Translate(WIDTH/2., HEIGHT/2.)
// The second quadrant should match the orientation of the fourth one
if nth > 5 && nth < 10 then
ctx.Rotate(convertToRadian ((20 + nth - 10) * 18))
// 3 should match the orientation of 20
else if nth = 10 then
ctx.Rotate(convertToRadian 0)
// The third quadrant should match the orientation of the first one
else if nth > 10 && nth < 15 then
ctx.Rotate(convertToRadian ((nth - 10) * 18))
ctx.Rotate(convertToRadian (nth * 18))
//ctx.Rotate(convertToRadian (nth * 18))
ctx.FillText(string num, 0, if nth > 5 && nth < 15 then HEIGHT/2. * 0.85 + 15. else - HEIGHT/2. * 0.85);
We can put all this together into a draw function which also takes the selected user input in order to achieve some highlighting in the canvas.
let drawDartboard (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) (dartToHighlight: Dart) =
// Init board
let hightlightColor = "#61bff9"
resetBoard ctx
let radius = WIDTH/2. - 10.
let scoringRadius = (radius * 0.75)
// Render outer circle
renderCircle ctx radius "#171918"
for (index, num) in dartRingNumbers |> List.indexed do
let doubleColor =
match dartToHighlight with
| Double v when num = v -> hightlightColor
| _ -> if index % 2 = 0 then "#e63322" else "#389536"
let tripleColor =
match dartToHighlight with
| Triple v when num = v -> hightlightColor
| _ -> if index % 2 = 0 then "#e63322" else "#389536"
let normalColor =
match dartToHighlight with
| Single v when num = v -> hightlightColor
| _ -> if index % 2 = 0 then "#171918" else "#f7e0b6"
// draw double point ring
renderSector ctx (scoringRadius) doubleColor index
// draw normal ring
renderSector ctx (scoringRadius * 0.953) normalColor index
// draw triple point ring
renderSector ctx (scoringRadius * 0.694) tripleColor index
// draw inner normal ring
renderSector ctx (scoringRadius * 0.629) normalColor index
// draw label
renderLabel ctx num index
let colorSmallBull = if dartToHighlight = Single 25 then hightlightColor else "#389536"
let colorBigBull = if dartToHighlight = Double 25 then hightlightColor else "#e63322"
// draw small bullseye
renderCircle ctx (scoringRadius * 0.094) colorSmallBull
// draw bullseye
renderCircle ctx (scoringRadius * 0.037) colorBigBull
The dart function takes the dart value to highlight on the board. If there are none selected, we can pass a Nil into the function, as that is a value that is not represented in the display, therefore the highlight logic would not trigger in that case.
The animation logic, when a combination is selected, is in an infinite loop with the usage of SetInterval and the step value is for selecting what dart throw we are currently highlighting
Below the canvas, we are also showing the selected combination with the same highlighting in sync with the darts board.
For the user inputs we just have a numerical input
, a checkbox
and a submit
button. Upon pressing the submit button we are initiating the calculating logic. If there are no possible ways to reach the user provided number, we are alerting the user of this problem. If there are results, then we render a select box that is showing all the calculations and upon selecting one of them, we are initiating the highlighting logic mentioned above. Also, the moment a new calculation is initiated or a different result is selected, we are cancelling the previous animation loop.
For rendering this into the DOM in the browser, I'm using WebSharper.UI and it's templating engine, with the following html and fsharp code
<div id="main" ws-children-template="Main">
<div class="holder">
<div class="form">
<label for="numberToReach">
Please provide a number between 1 and 180:
<input id="numberToReach" type="number" min="1" max="180" ws-var="SelectedNumber" />
<label for="isItCheckout">
Does it need to be a checkout combination?
<input id="isItCheckout" type="checkbox" ws-var="IsItCheckout" />
<button ws-onclick="Calculate">Calculate!</button>
<div ws-hole="SelectionBox"></div>
<div class="selectedDisplay"><span id="dart1">${Selected1}</span><span id="dart2">${Selected2}</span><span id="dart3">${Selected3}</span></div>
<div class="display">
<canvas ws-attr="CanvasAttr" width="600" height="600"></canvas>
let selected = Var.Create None
let numberToReach = Var.Create 1
let isItCheckout = Var.Create false
let results = Var.Create [None]
on.viewUpdate selected.View (fun elem currentSelection ->
|> View.Get (fun handle ->
match handle with
| None -> ()
| Some handle ->
JS.ClearInterval handle
JS.Document.QuerySelector("span.highlighted") |> fun x -> if x !==. null then x.ClassList.Remove("highlighted")
animationHandle.Set None
let canvasElement = As<CanvasElement> elem
let context = canvasElement.GetContext("2d")
highlightDartboard context currentSelection
on.afterRender (fun elem ->
let canvasElement = As<CanvasElement> elem
let context = canvasElement.GetContext("2d")
drawDartboard context Nil
.Selected1(selected.View.Map(function None -> "" | Some (d1, _, _) -> Dart.AsDartNotation d1))
.Selected2(selected.View.Map(function None -> "" | Some (_, d2, _) -> Dart.AsDartNotation d2))
.Selected3(selected.View.Map(function None -> "" | Some (_, _, d3) -> Dart.AsDartNotation d3))
.Calculate(fun te ->
|> View.Get (fun number ->
|> View.Get (fun checkout ->
|> View.Get (fun handle ->
match handle with
| None -> ()
| Some handle ->
JS.ClearInterval handle
animationHandle.Set None
let res = getCombinationsFor number checkout
if res.Length = 0 then
JS.Alert <| sprintf "%d cannot be reached with 3 darts! Please try a different number." number
results.Set (None::res)
if res.Length > 1 then
res |> List.head |> selected.Set
selected.Set None
|> Doc.BindView (fun options ->
Doc.InputType.Select [] PrettyPrintDartsSet options selected
|> Doc.RunById "main"
The two most important part of the code are the Calculate
and the CanvasAttr
The ws-onclick="Calculate"
section in our html lets us bind a click event handler to the function, which in our case will get the current value of the two ws-var
binded input from our html, to pass it in our getCombinationsFor
function to generate all the possible combinations shown in the result selector <select>
element. That <select>
element is generated from the View
of the results
, which is being set in our click handler. The click handler is also responsible for setting the default value of our selected combination: if the number we tried to calculate with cannot be reached with 3 dart throws, then it's setting the selected
value to None
, otherwise it sets it to the first calculated result.
The CanvasAttr
section is responsible for the animation and the rendering of our canvas. In our html CanvasAttr
is a ws-attr
hole, which means we can populate it in F# with a list of UI.Attr
values, which can take two forms.
We are utilizing two event handlers for our canvas handling, but keep in mind that these are not standard html event handlers.
takes a function that will be executed immediately after the element we are attaching it to is inserted in the DOM. Therefore we can utilize this layer to render our default state, where nothing is selected.
The on.viewUpdate
function is a function that takes two argumennts: a View<'T>
and an a Dom.Element -> 'T -> unit
function. As the name suggests, the function we are passing in is going to be executed every time the value inside the passed in View
is changed. Which means we are utilizing this function to handle when the selected combination is changed.
Also, we are calling a slightly altered version of our drawDartboard
function to handle the animation part.
let highlightDartboard (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) (currentSelection: DartsSet option) =
match currentSelection with
| None ->
drawDartboard ctx Nil
| Some (d1, d2, d3) ->
let mutable step = 1
let highlightAnimation () =
JS.Document.QuerySelector("span.highlighted") |> fun x -> if x !==. null then x.ClassList.Remove("highlighted")
let dartToUse =
if step = 1 then
else if step = 2 then
drawDartboard ctx dartToUse
// highlight matching result field
JS.Document.GetElementById("dart" + string step).ClassList.Add("highlighted")
if step = 3 then
step <- 1
step <- step + 1
animationHandle.Set (Some <| JS.SetInterval highlightAnimation 1000 )
If our current selection is None, we are doing the same thing as in our on.afterRender
function. But if a given combination selected we are utilizing SetInterval
to create the infinite looping logic. The handle that SetInterval returns is stored in a global Var
, so that our on.viewUpdate
logic can cancel that loop and restart a new one based on the current selection.
I'm happy with how this turned out, but there are always rooms for improvement. I'm pretty sure there are data sets out there to show what is the most used checkout combination for a given number, which could be prioritised at the top of our result set. Or even better, if these are available per professional players, we could have a player selection that would show their most loved combination for a given checkout. But that's for the future 😃.
Thanks to Sergey Tihon for organizing the F# Advent Calendar in 2022 again and I'm happy that I could share this nostalgic journey of mine with the community!
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