Announcing Formlets for jQuery Mobile

Ramon Snir

Ramon Snir

Sep 09, 2011

Reading time:

7 mins

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The WebSharper Extensions for Formlets for jQuery Mobile give you the power of jQuery Mobile combined with the succinctness of formlets. It can be downloaded from the extension page1. You also need the latest jQuery Mobile extension installed.

Basically, everything from this extension is compatible with the native WebSharper formlets, so it also uses the same syntax:

let theme = Theme.C
Formlet.Yield (fun a b -> a, b)
<*> (Controls.TextField "" theme
    |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Username:")
<*> (Controls.Password "" theme
    |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Password:")
|> Enhance.WithSubmitButton "Log in" theme
|> Formlet.MapResult (function
    | Success (_, pass) when pass.Length < 8
        -> Failure [ "Wrong credentials." ]
    | n -> n)
|> WithJQueryMobileLayout theme

As all first-class formlets, you can use jQuery Mobile controls in a dependent formlet:

let theme = Theme.D
Formlet.Do {
    let! a, b =
        Formlet.Yield (fun a b -> a, b)
        <*> Controls.Slider -25. 25. 5. theme
        <*> Controls.Slider -25. 25. 5. theme
    do! Formlet.OfElement (fun _ ->
        P [
            Text (
                if a = 0. then
                    "Any x solved the equation " + string a +
                        " * x + " + string b + " = 0!"
                    let solution = -1. * b / a
                    string a + " * " + string solution + " + " +
                        string b + " = 0"
    return ()

And finally, a larger example showing more controls:

let msg = Span []

let link link =
            Inline = true
            Icon = None
            Theme = theme
            Link = "#sample-" + link
            Transition = Transition.Fade
            Text =
                link.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() +
                    link.Substring 1

Div [
        link "buttons"
        link "inputs"
        link "basic"
    |> GroupControls true
    :> IPagelet

    msg :> _

    Br [] :> _

    Formlet.Do {
        let! _ = Controls.TextField "Type me!" theme
        let! _ =
            Controls.FlipToggle "ON" "OFF" true theme
            |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "This Form:"
            |> Formlet.MapResult (function
                | Success false -> Failure []
                | n -> n)
        let animals =
                "Fish", 1.
                "Dog", 2.
                "Cat", 3.
        let! an1, [an2], [ b; i; u ] =
            Formlet.Yield (fun a b c -> a, b, c)
            <*> (Controls.RadioGroup animals 2. false theme
                |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Animal one:")
            <*> (Controls.SelectMenu
                    { SelectConfiguration<_>.Basic animals 2. with
                        NativeSelect = false } theme
                |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Animal two:")
            <*> (Controls.CheckboxGroup [ "b", true; "i", true; "u", false ] true theme
                |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Format:"
                |> Formlet.Map List.ofArray)

            if b then

            if i then

            if u then

        let valOfAn = ( * ) 10.
        let! v =
            Controls.Slider 0. 100. (valOfAn an1 + valOfAn an2) theme
            |> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Value:"
        msg.Text <- string v
        return! Formlet.Never()
    |> WithJQueryMobileLayout theme
    :> _

  1. Link is dead and was removed. Check the page for a list of public WebSharper extensions.

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Ramon Snir
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